Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring 2010

It was such a cold winter that I think many of us are just climbing out into the rare sunlight (stop laughing, Bill Snipes - and any of you other Hawaiian alums!) After you've baked a bit in the summer sun just as this issue reaches you - drop a quick email or facebook message! [And do read Joel Collamer's '78 column for a few '77 tidbits.]

Speaking of Bill Snipes, he was kind enough to send an update from that sunniest of locales: Maui, where he continues to enjoy life with his wife Heather and younger daughter Megan - a recent black belt at age 11! Bill older daughter Amanda is planning a wedding this year and, in addition to a long overdue return trip to NYC, they celebrated Hawaii's Golden Jubilee last August: the 50th anniversary of the 50th state.

In our last issue, I failed to mention an update from Peggy Krause Perkins. Peggy's youngest son Sidney is a freshman in high school and a cross-country runner; daughter Sadie and older son Luke are both Cornell graduates: Sadie with a recent Information Science System and Technology degree and Luke who is now in Colorado working as a test engineer for biomedical instruments. Peg and her husband Jeff run marathons and triatholons and have raised money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. And congratulations to Peggy for completing a 5-year masters level course in Pastoral Studies in early '09; she's now the Director of Campus Ministry with Christian Brothers Academy in Syracuse, NY! She feels quite at home, having worked in the diocesan office for 20 years - and now in the very chapel her Dad designed when he started his architectural business when Peggy was 4. It was great to hear from you, Peg!

David McNerney is the new director of business development for Horst Construction near Harrisburg, PA, in charge of developing projects throughout the eastern U.S. Dave has more than 23 years of business development experience in construction management and engineering - and is a professional geologist.

Kevin McGrath was featured in the January Momentum SLU's Campaign Report, along with his wife, Suzanne Brush McGrath '80 for their ongoing generosity and alumni connections in the Boston area. What caught my eye were the sunglasses in their photo - and Kevin's great sentiments about the things we can all do to promote SLU (other than writing a check). "Be creative," he says, "Find good kids in your town and ask them to apply. Talk to friends who've been out of touch and ask them to reconnect. Talking about SLU doesn't cost a nickel. I gave an SLU hat to 'the bagel lady' in Hangham MA and she wears it proudly. Little things add up...SLU is headed in the right direction but given the times and the competitive nature of colleges, we need as many alumni, parents and friends as we can to get involved and participate."

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